Ariel Malik is a businessman and entrepreneur who specializes in investing and promoting companies and startups that deal with new technologies in the fields of energy and biochemistry. Malik also specializes in the capital market.

Malik’s vast knowledge in the fields of technology and energy combined with his experience in the capital market contributed greatly to the Israeli high-tech and energy industry. Ariel Malik is responsible for promoting contacts and transactions of foreign investors with Israeli companies. To his credit can be attributed the promotion of the sale of “Paradigm Geophysical” to Fox Paine Foundation (“Paradigm” was sold in 2012 in a huge deal to the London Apax Foundation).
In recent years, Ariel Malik has focused on investing in companies that develop advanced technologies. Malik also invests in research institutes throughout Israel and around the world. He continues to initiate and participate in entrepreneurship in companies such as Brainstorm, Ormed, Vivit Nano, Dots Nano, and more.